Our system

In addition to the cafe space, there is a room in the store where you can interact with the owls.
You can not only see it, but also experience it.
If you find a child you like, you can take him or her with you.

Payment after use: ¥1,850 (including tax) for 1 drink and admission
Weekdays/Weekends/Holidays: 13:00-20:00 Closed: Wednesday
Request from the Store
You can play with the birds freely during free time, but it is limited to 1 hour during peak hours.
Admission is free for children under 3 years old. Entry for children elementary school age and below is not allowed.
Birds are not good at strong scents such as perfumes, and it can cause them to become unwell. Please be considerate to the extent possible.

Flow of Entry for First-Timers


First, check with a video!

First, check how to play at the store on YouTube.

Entrance and Reception

Rurikon Congo African Grey Parrot “Roo-chan” at the entrance is a landmark!
Inside the store, our signboard owl “Shiro-kun” will welcome you.


Thorough disinfection and guidance to your seat

We ask for disinfection of shoe soles and hands.
Once disinfected, we will guide you to your seat!

Order drinks once seated

* There is no food menu.
After placing your order, feel free to explore the store until your drink arrives.


Interaction experience in the free-flight room

Enter the owl room and experience various activities.

After finishing your drink…

Enjoy interacting at your seat!
Give snacks, take photos, and more…



After playing with the birds to your heart’s content, it’s time to prepare to leave.
Please make sure you haven’t forgotten anything before leaving.

We look forward to your visit, and the many owls are always waiting for you.

Experience menu

Snacks for owls and parakeets
large owlOnce/500 yen
small/medium owl&parakeetOnce/300 yen
Carry a large owl on your arm or shoulder
Visit your table
First timeOnce/10分(free)
One more type addedOnce/300 yen
Take cute photos and upload them to SNS!

Seasonal events

Yutori cafe night, flight show, encounters with rare birds, etc.
You can enjoy events every season.
(※Each event is held irregularly, so please check the official SNS for information.)

How to interact with owls

When touching the owl, use about two fingers.!!
Tips to avoid being disliked by gently stroking along the fur
Owls do not like sudden movements or loud voices, so please handle them quietly and gently.
Many owls don’t like hats, so get one in advance.

Bird staff

Introducing a few of the Tori-san staff members who work with us♪


There are many others

Type Yellow-mantled Lory
Birthdate 2012
Gender Male
Birthplace Philippines
Skill Tap guest’s conversation.
Introduction I speak about various words. “Bye bye!” “KAWAII!” is a variation abundance. You say “ARIGATO” by exquisite timing.special no fail joke to lift a paper cup
Type Great Grey Owl
Birthdate 2015
Gender Female
Skill to fly gracefully
Introduction She is a kind and moody girl who is proud of her big face♪ She is often said to be “like Bach!”
Type African eagle owl
Birthdate 2022/5/15
Gender Male
Birthplace Toricafe Yananak Shop
Skill ride on one’s shoulders without permission
Introduction The eldest son of Fu-chan’s mom and Ban-kun’s dad
With the friendliness inherited from her parents, she goes out of her way to provide excellent customer service!
Payment Method
You can pay by cash, Paypay, or credit card.
The corresponding credits are as follows.
VISA master JCB amex diners uc mufg dc ufj nicos rakuten union

Online Shop

official online shop.
We have food and breeding supplies suitable for birds of prey such as owls and hawks.



Store Guide

Interact with over 100 parakeets and parrots
Chiyoda Line「Sendagi Station」3 minutes walk from

A store specializing in parakeets and parrots where you can meet and greet over 100 rare birds around the world.